Proctele apps in the App Store

Proctele apps in the App Store
Click the picture to see Proctele apps in Apple's App Store

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Where's Epson Scan for OSX Lion?

It's been more than 6 months since I migrated my MacBook to OSX Lion and I'm quite happy with it. After I doubled its memory to 4 GB I was even happier. I use a lot of memory, because I tend to have lots of Safari-windows open and some other applications too.
However migrating to Lion cost me one important application: Epson Scan. It doesn't seem to have been updated to run on Lion. That's a disappointment. I miss being able to scan several pages and put them all into the same pdf-file. And of course the good picture scanning.
What I have replaced it with is the Mac's own preview application, which offers only jpeg-pictures as output; no pdf. With that I can get by, but there's no multi-page option.
If anyone reading this blog can point me to a better solution I'd be grateful.
While I'm complaining, I might as well mention the weather too. When is spring coming to Sweden? Yesterday's visit to the driving-range nearly killed me, because weather looked reasonably warm, while in fact the strong wind was freezing cold.

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